Today I heard from all the other gods that there was a shoe company that used my name for there store. I was so happy that someone appreciated me.
Today I helped out a citizen and it felt really good. So, there  is this team that has never one a game there whole season but then I gave them Victory and they won the championships.
Today I flew in the Flying Contest and won of course. I rested my wings the whole day yesterday so I was ready for the win.
I fought in the titian war today and we won. I know it wasn't fair to my enemy because after all, I am the Goddess of victory. 




I ran a Marathon and I the beat everyone. I know that it wasn't fair to all the other people but I made a world record. I ran the whole Marathon in 20 minutes. Best runner in the world.  


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

